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How we’re spending January 26

– Tony Goodfellow, Advocacy Manager, RE-Alliance.

At RE-Alliance, we believe that our transition to renewable energy gives us an opportunity to build a better future – for our communities, environment and economy. We are committed to working to achieve this future and to ensure our energy transformation is a just one.

For us, achieving a just energy transformation means delivering much-needed energy outcomes for First Nations people. But more than that, we see this as part of working for justice for First Nations people.

What does January 26 mean to you?

For some First Nations people, January 26 is a day of survival. It is an annual reminder of the invasion of this country, and the ongoing resilience and strength of First Nations people.

For non-First Nations people like myself, January 26 can be a time for reflection on the challenges for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia today. It’s a key moment to act in solidarity by supporting justice for the oldest living culture in the world.

There are many ways we can support First Nations communities on January 26. I’ll be attending the Survival Day Dawn Ceremony in Ballarat, and the rest of our team will be participating in the below. We invite you to join us.

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