AWA Senate Inquiry submission
May 04, 2015
Submission to the Senate Wind Inquiry Here's the full thing and here's the exec summary: The Australian Wind Alliance is a not-for-profit, community-based advocacy group to promote wind power. We have over 450 financial...
Read MoreSenate Wind Inquiry hears a different story
April 02, 2015
When the current Senate Inquiry into Wind Turbines was launched it showed every sign of being an attack on wind farms and a launching pad for increased regulation of an already heavily regulated industry....
Read MoreWhat choices has NSW got on wind energy at this election?
March 13, 2015
Time for parties to step up on wind energy The electorate of Goulburn has as much to gain from future wind farm development as any electorate in the state.
Read MoreCEFC: Abbott takes renewable energy back 12 years
February 26, 2015
CEFC says renewable energy taken back 12 years by Abbott Government The Australian Wind Alliance said there’s further proof today that the Abbott Government has gutted the renewable energy industry. The Clean Energy Finance...
Read MoreWind at the top of NSW election agenda in Goulburn
January 27, 2015
With the NSW state election only around two months away, the issue of wind power and renewable energy is appearing on the radar of politicians and voters alike, particularly in regional NSW where renewable...
Read MoreA farmer's plea for the Renewable Energy Target
December 03, 2014
Actually, this guy is no ordinary farmer. He's one of our NSW organisers, Charlie Prell, who runs a sheep farm in Crookwell, north of Goulburn in NSW. And the other people in the video...
Read MoreALP commitments step in right direction
November 13, 2014
ALP policy to fix Victoria’s wind farm laws good for farmers and small businesses but could go further The Australian Wind Alliance today welcomed the ALP’s commitment to fix parts of the Victorian wind...
Read MoreKnowing RET from wrong
October 10, 2014
Our thanks to Matt Grudnoff from the Australia Institute for this excellent summary of where the government finds itself after dumping their deeply unpopular and flawed Warburton Review. Cross posted with permission from The...
Read MoreLabor needs to help Australia aim higher on RET
September 15, 2014
Labor needs to help Australia aim higher on RET Andrew Bray from the Australian Wind Alliance has said today that he's disappointed Labor is willing to compromise on aspects on the renewable energy target,...
Read MoreRenewable energy review ignores regional jobs
April 06, 2014
The Victorian Wind Alliance today expressed disappointment that the government’s review into renewable energy will give no consideration to the most important impacts of renewable energy in country Victoria – jobs and investment. The...
Read MoreMembers enjoy Macarthur
November 29, 2013
Friday 29 November 2013 This afternoon, a band of eager VicWind members were treated to a tour to the Macarthur Wind Farm in South West Victoria. Site manager, Shaun Harrison was the tour guide,...
Read MoreSenator John Madigan hears Waubra's call
November 26, 2013
The fight to get back Waubra's name moved into the offices of local politicians when a group of Waubra community leaders met with Senator John Madigan in Ballarat to ask him to back their...
Read MoreWaubra community starts new chapter, reclaims town’s name
November 01, 2013
The community of the small farming town of Waubra in Western Victoria took an important step forward today and sent off a petition with 316 signatures to the anti-wind campaigning organisation, the Waubra Foundation,...
Read MoreWaubra community demands apology
October 23, 2013
The Victorian Wind Alliance has called on the Waubra Foundation to immediately change its name to avoid further denigration of an entire community by associating them with a disease that does not exist.
Read MoreAll for jobs in Portland
September 19, 2013
Portland-region VicWind supporters and members rallied to boost the morale of the local wind sector at a meeting in the town on Tuesday. Twenty small businesspeople, wind workers, renewable energy advocates, environmentalists and trainers...
Read MoreWaubra Speaks Up
September 18, 2013
The video series Waubra: The Way The Wind Blows was a way for the residents of Waubra to have their say on wind energy. In these videos you will meet some of these down-to-earth...
Read MoreVicWind members get the lowdown on health and planning
August 22, 2013
Monday 12th August Around 25 VicWind members gathered in Ballarat to hear the latest research on wind farm planning and health issues from experts in the field. Farmers from wind districts around Ballarat, wind...
Read More20 year wind career in the balance
June 04, 2013
Few people have been involved with the construction of Australian wind farms as long as Daryl O’Flaherty. Daryl’s an oversized pilot, by which I don’t mean he’s spent too long flying planes and drinking...
Read MoreA job worth keeping
May 09, 2013
JASON “Grub” Bannam loves his job. Working as a welder on massive wind towers has taught the former postie many things, and he enjoys the camaraderie of his workplace, too. But he worries that...
Read MoreVic Health gives wind farms a clean bill of health
May 08, 2013
A new Victorian Department of Health review gives wind farms the tick of approval when it comes to public health. The Department of Health review investigated the potential for infrasound to adversely affect human health. The...
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