As Tasmania looks to expand its renewable energy, we are eager to see it rolled out in a way that ensures Tasmania’s communities, regions, environment and industry can benefit.
We are actively engaged in Tasmania through our dedicated regional coordinator, Toby Thorpe, who liaises directly with community, environment, council, industry and business groups on issues associated with renewable energy developments across the state.
After reviewing the consultation documents, engaging widely with stakeholders across Tasmania and drawing deeply on our experience working with communities, industry and governments for more than a decade on what makes a difference locally in Australia’s shift to renewable energy, here are our headline recommendations:
Our recommendations for Tasmania’s renewable energy expansion
- Allocate a portion of the state’s Renewable Energy energy dividend to support community, local government and agency capacity, including towards resourcing Local Governments to carry out their renewable energy review authority role
- Immediately Increase resources and expand capacity of RECFiT
- Dedicate coordinating responsibility to the expanded RECFiT
- Pursue clear policy decisions to inform clarity in guidelines for developers
- Consider if a REZ is necessary for Tasmania, or if guidelines and legislation can be used to enable consistency on key issues for the renewable sector across the State
- Consider alternative approaches to support regional benefit sharing/pooled funding
- Address the missing pieces on First Nations’ free prior and informed consent, building community buy in and empowerment, managing regional cumulative engagement and development impacts, encouraging local environment and nature initiatives and rewarding projects designed for co-location, co-existence and land-use cohesion.