We thank the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment, and Water for considering our submission in the development of the Powering the Regions Fund.
We applaud the Government for committing to its climate target and allocating generous amounts of funding to support the decarbonisation of our industries and regions.
This submission will make a few broad points about the policies currently in development including some gaps where we think the Federal Government has an opportunity to make an impact for regions in the energy transition.
We will also raise a few points in response to discussion questions.
Key points:
● Housing and local infrastructure upgrades are needed in regions to support the energy transition
● An independent Transition Authority with local chapters in Renewable Energy Zones could coordinate local economic planning on a regional level to ensure regions get the best outcome from public and private investment.
● The Powering the Regions Fund should not be utilised to purchase Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs).