Read 'Farm Powered: Opportunities for regional communities in the renewable energy boom'.
Our energy and food systems are increasingly intertwined. But are we really designing these systems for maximum mutual benefit? And how do we develop more resilient regional communities in the process?
RE-Alliance is proud to have co-authored Farmers for Climate Action’s latest report, 'Farm Powered: Opportunities for regional communities in the renewable energy boom', which looks at the opportunities for farmers and regional communities in renewable energy.
Read case studies from the farmers who are leading the charge by innovating with on-farm renewables in Australia. The range of applications for renewables on farms is as diverse as our farms themselves, from turning pig poo into power, to sourcing diesel alternatives, to electrifying machinery – you’ll find a farmer in Australia giving each of these a red hot go.
On top of showcasing the leadership that we’re already seeing from farmers, the report makes a number of recommendations to governments looking to support farmers wanting to decarbonise. The report recommends:
- Boosting on-farm renewables and battery storage through subsidies
- Improving our regional distribution network to allow more farmers to sell small and medium scale renewables to their community
- Research and support for agrivoltaics, combining solar panels with sheep grazing and horticulture
Getting this right would reduce farmers’ costs, make farms and jobs more resilient during drought, and speed up increasing renewables in the grid.
At RE-Alliance, we’re concerned with getting the best outcomes for regional communities from large-scale renewables, so we’re delighted to be able to focus on the opportunities at the local level. These can help drive down farm costs and help regional communities prosper.
Find out more in the report, ‘Farm Powered: Opportunities for regional communities in the renewable energy boom’.